Saturday, October 29, 2011


Justification is the legal act which God declares righteous all who trust His Son for salvation. The only thing we can do to qualify for this status is to believe in Christ. To be justified us free and of God’s grace. We cannot earn it (Rom. 3:24).

Because of his life, death, and resurrection on our behalf, Christ our Savior can justify every wicked and ungodly person who comes to Him for grace (Rom. 4:5).
Sanctification is the process by which God continue to set apart and distinguish those who have believed in His Son. A first act of saving sanctification “set apart” a believer for God forever. That act is followed by a planned, progressive process of being set apart from sin to God.

If the ideas of justification and sanctification are confused, we might make the mistake of thinking that out salvation has never been secured. Some who lean toward a law rather than a grace view of God will never have the assurance of sins forgiven and of full acceptance and adoption into family of heaven. A right view of the distinction into the family of God, fully justified, and ready for the lifelong process of practical sanctification.

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