Wednesday, September 26, 2012

When You Doubt!

Do you ever wonder whether the Bible can be trusted? Scottish reformer john Knox confesses that he passed through a dark time when his soul was filled with "anger, wrath, and indignation, which it conceived against God, calling all His promises in doubt".

Do you sometimes wonder if god exists? The staunchest of Puritans Increase Mather,wrote in his diary that he was "greatly molested with temptations to atheism." are you ever so filled with questions that you feel at times like an unbeliever? Martin Luther sadly admitted, " For more than a week Christ was wholly lost. i was shaken by desperation and blasphemy against God.

Don't be surprised if you pass through similar struggles. as followers of Christ. we are in conflict with God;s enemy, the devil,the father of lies (John 8:44). we wrestle against him and "the rulers of darkness of this age"(Ephesians 6:12), Two of the pieces of armor God has provided for us when we are attacked by doubt are "truth" and "the shield of faith." They can "quench all the fiery darts of wicked one"(vv. 14-16). As we saturate our minds with God;s word, our faith with be strengthened. then we'll be able to stand when doubts assail us.

The devil is subtle, deceptive and sly;
He's clever and trick us to swallow his lie.
But his cunning methods we're sure to discern
By making God's warnings our daily concern.

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