Saturday, November 5, 2011


The triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem a few days before His death focused attention on Him as Lord. When Jesus sent Hid disciples to get the colt He was to ride, He instructed them to tell its owners,” The Lord has needed of it” (Luke 19:31). And when the crowds shouted their praise, they quoted Psalm 118:26, saying, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord.”(Luke 19:38)

Jesus is Lord. His name is “Above every name” (Philippians 2:9). As part of His title, the word Lord refers to his sovereignty. He is the King, and every believer in him is a member f His kingdom.

We acknowledge Jesus as Lord our lives by bowling to his authority as King. This means that we live in obedience to him. We can’t be like the man who claimed to be a Christian and yet chose to used illegal drugs and live in an immoral relationship. IF YOU ADORE CHRIST AS SAVIOR YOU CAN’T IGNORE CHRIST AS LORD.

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